Struggle Elicits Both Tenacity and Scruple. Let This Be Your Call to Action! Hardship is Part of the Story, but Success is the Denouement.

Get ready for God’s SUPERNATURAL POWER.

Two things I know for sure: struggling doesn’t last forever and God is ALWAYS on time.

We can’t lose the taste for Spiritual Maturity!

All distractions are from the enemy to steal your faith and prayer life. It is difficult to stand strong in faith when you do not know what to do.

The devil wants you to feel helpless and alone. Staying in tune with God is the total package and the answer. The Lord will keep us from harm. He is with us at all times.

We must not go back to the old lifestyle. Watch out for attacks from the enemy.

You have the backing of the Holy Spirit!

He is an on time God.

He reaches our soul daily to repair it so we do not repeat and lose self-control. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, self control, patience, kindness, goodness, and faith in God.” - Galatians 5:22.

Jesus was born to save you. Use this morning time to reflect on God’s goodness and the joy He brings.

It was that betrayal that blessed you.

The NUMBER ONE SKILL in life is not giving up! Jesus is your Savior not your religion.

You have to recharge your own batteries!


Know There is a Difference Between Optimism and Hope. Where Optimism Finds You Believing Against All Odds Good Will Happen, Hope is the Courage to Work Towards and Fight for the Better Future.


Energy Is Not Something You Possess, But Rather Your Composition: Your Spirit. Take a Break When You’re Tired, There’s Only So Much of Yourself That Can Be Given Until Gone. Replenish and Refortify.