Know There is a Difference Between Optimism and Hope. Where Optimism Finds You Believing Against All Odds Good Will Happen, Hope is the Courage to Work Towards and Fight for the Better Future.

God hides lions inside of lambs.

Start right now with a grateful heart.

Your health is your wealth. Whoever counted you out, can’t count.

Have no desire to fit in. You didn’t wake up today to be begging any man for their time or attention.

Always go where you are celebrated. Love it when others doubt you. Work harder and smarter and prove everyone wrong.

Plug into God’s plan.

Declare: “Holy Spirit rain on me.”

This is how you stay rechargeable:

It’s MANDATORY to thank God everyday, whether your day is good or bad.

Clarify your goals and correct your course as often as you need to. A little progress each day adds up to BIG results. Your first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay stuck where you are.

This is the way to bless yourself and your marriage:

It all takes work, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. You have to seek the face of the Lord and ASK for the next step, do the research on each subject, and make the plan. No one can do this for you.

The scariest place to be, is where God isn’t.

“Always put your hope in God.” - Hosea 12:6.


It’s Easy to Be Aware of What You Lack. Weakness and Failure Seem to Come Too Easily. The Challenge is Accepting That Your Comprehension and Potential Were by Design; You Are Here for a Reason.


Struggle Elicits Both Tenacity and Scruple. Let This Be Your Call to Action! Hardship is Part of the Story, but Success is the Denouement.