There is an Unexpected Power in Kindness, Where an Action that Feels Ordinary When You Do it is Perceived as Extraordinary to Another. This Can Turn You Into a Rainbow Amidst Another’s Storm.


Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Practice until you just cannot get it wrong: KINDNESS.

THINK like the person you want to become. It takes nothing to join toxic conversations or the crowd. It takes EVERYTHING to stand on kindness no matter what!

Do it for the people who want to see you fail.

My only talent is that I just won’t quit.

Your secrets to SPIRITUAL MATURITY: 1. START and 2. FINISH.

Never a failure, always a lesson. Refuse to disappoint yourself. Do kindness over and over again until it becomes a part of your daily dialogue no matter what.

Once you choose kindness, anything is possible.

EMPOWERED people EMPOWER people.

A true spiritual warrior feels fear, but says FAITH it until you make it.


The Restoration of the World Starts with Balancing Oneself, Progresses in Outward Kind Deeds, and Ends in Another Taking on your Creed.


Please Know That You Cannot Share Happiness with Others if You do not Have it Within Yourself. The Same Goes for Others. Hold on to the Peace of Patience and Radiate Joy. The Rest Will Follow Suit.