Courage Is Found In Accepting God's Call, Even When It Leads To Unfamiliar Or Difficult Paths. Trusting In His Guidance Emboldens Our Steps.
TRAIN your mind to listen to what God may be whispering to you, and NOT what the liar enemy is shouting.
You have a NEW BEGINNING; do not repeat old mistakes.
You are HEAVENLY-PROTECTED by the Holy Spirit.
God gave you a fingerprint that NO ONE else has, so you can leave an imprint that no one else can. God has removed you from a table where you used to go, to save you from a host that was serving poison. God will frustrate the plans of schemers so the evil work of their hands will not succeed.
“He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” -Job 5:12.
Stay SPIRITUALLY fed not emotionally led. You must change what you are SOWING to change what you are REAPING.
Read that again.
Words and actions are the seeds to life: good or bad you will reap what you sow.
HAVE faith in what you just prayed for. God will do it at the right time.
Do not get pulled in other people’s drama.