You May Only Achieve Greatness by Loving What You Do and Who You Do It For

We mature with damage, not with years. Let others be wrong about you. There is nothing to prove. Observe, do not absorb toxic opinions. Note: Do not pursue God’s voice casually. It will be those who seek after His heart who will hear His voice. Your potential is absolutely endless. God made you to do what you are created for. Patience is the gardener’s secret. Loving what you do is the “secret” to your successful journey. “Dear God, Keep working on me.” Satan’s target is your mind, and his weapons are lies. So fill your mind with the Word of God. Stay socially selective. GREAT WORK is the foundation of a life WELL-LIVED. Your strongest force is your unwavering belief in God. Declare: Today’s choices shape tomorrow’s successes. Believe you can, and you will!


Do Not Be a Player in Another’s Performance, But The Protagonist of Your Own Story


A Crown Need Not Be Made of Precious Metals or Jewels, Nor be Worn on the Head, For it is the Heart that Makes the Queen