Anguish Casts a Shadow Over Our Hearts. It Keeps Us in Darkness and It Keeps Us in Pain. Step into the Healing Light of Christ’s Love. Through This, You May Weather Any Storm.

People putting down other people is like telling the WORLD that you are more bothered about them than your own progress. Jealousy is a terrible disease. It is always OFFENSIVE too.

The two most important things in your life is PEACE and PRIVACY. Guard them with your heart, your mind, and your mouth.

If you interfere with someone’s relationship, that is not of God. If others bring drama to your door, do not let it in. If you are coping with crisis, major stress, or loss, and others have the capacity to be cruel to you, that surpasses abuse. It’s evil.

Do all things with kindness for this is the will of God.

“Because of your faith, it will turn out good.” Matthew 9:29.

Protect all children even if they are not yours.

Marry the one who understands that you and Jesus come as a package deal!


Offense Takes Root in Our Hearts, Growing into Bitterness. It Chokes Out Our Joy. It Perpetuates Conflict. It Consumes Our Peace. Uproot It with the Power of Grace.


Offense Deceives Us Into Believing We are Justified in our Anger. It Blinds Us to the Truth. Open Your Eyes to the Freedom of Letting Go.