Rise Above Personal Wounds With The Holy Spirit's Power. Experience True Freedom And Transformation. Lead With A Heart Healed By Divine Grace.
Shout Out Loud: “God DID IT!”
Make peace with your past.
What others think of you is absolutely none of your business or concern. Give time to all of your issues and believe God is in total control. Never compare your beautiful life with anyone else’s. It is perfectly normal not to know all of the answers.
YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN happiness. You are not in charge of anyone else’s problems.
Keep smiling. God is setting things out in your favor by servant prayer from you. Stay away from people that still see the old you. Everybody can be blessed by our mighty God. Even the OLD YOU. Never waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
Declare: “I am QUALIFIED, FAVORED, ANOINTED, CHOSEN, and CALLED, by our Mighty God.”
Life has a simple formula: Look back and thank God. Look ahead and trust God.
So refreshing!