Time Flows Like a River, Carrying Us Through Reflections of Past, Present, and Future, Reminding Us That in God’s Hands, Every Second is Shaped with Purpose.

The BEST therapy for the heart is to bend your knees and talk to God. God can turn anyone’s life around.

Never respond to shade that comes from trees that don’t bear fruit. There will be times you have to make a decision that will break your heart but give peace to your soul.

Be careful there are people who have sugar on their tongue but poison in their heart. Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter.

Nothing better than watching your prayers become a reality! If God is leading it, then it will succeed. Trust God’s timing.

Get ready to testify. God will not fail you.

Never allow yourself to get too comfortable. Always seek new challenges and push YOURSELF. God will never abandon you.

Build upon the Love of God. Our God is an AWESOME God!


In the Intricate Clockwork of Creation, Time is God’s Instrument, Orchestrating the Symphony of Life with Precision and Intentionality, Calling Us to Harmonize with His Will.


Time Bears Witness to God’s Unending Covenant with Us, a Continuity That Spans Generations, Echoing His Faithfulness From Age to Age.