Boundaries are Necessary in Self-Definition. You Must Know Where Your Core Values and Self End to Grasp Where Others Begin. It is in This Separation that Accountability is Honed and Freedom is Gained

This is how you improve your self-esteem:

Give yourself a challenge.

Do not be afraid of making a mistake. It’s a MINDSET.

And it is important to build our children’s self-esteem for their purpose.

Tell this NEW SEASON: “God already made the way. Lord uproot every plan the enemy is pretending that’s the path for me. In a world of wild distractions, help me focus on you. Break the chains of fear with a mighty force in Jesus’ name.”

Nothing goes unpaid for and the price is not always money.

The Holy Spirit will never plot the downfall of others.

DO NOT BE FOOLED! A person’s most consistent behavior is their true self.

Just keep your spirit clean, your surroundings peaceful, and your environment where you can speak of what the Lord has done for you.

Your weapon, is speaking from the Word of God.

All cruelty springs from personal weakness. As you heal, your attractions change too. Self-esteem without boundaries is self destruction.

Practice saying NO.


Marriage is a Puzzle Comprised of Multitudes of Moments: Some Wondrous and Others Trying. It Will Take Forever to Piece Them Together, Done One Day at a Time.


There is a Moment Between a Catalyst and Response, a Decision Process that Determines if You Progress Forward or Incite Riot. This is Emotional Intelligence. Find Success by Boosting this Quotient.