Though There are Trials Along the Trail, He Walks Beside You Knowing the Way

On your hardest day, you still must stay thankful. Your stress level goes hand in hand with the perception of your belief system! Sometimes you are so focused on the future that you do not realize you are in the middle of exactly what you have prayed for. The real blessing is to allow God to heal you without becoming like those who have hurt you. You are not praying because of who you are- you are praying because of who He is. The Holy Spirit always warns you, but you have to pay attention. God made YOU different for a reason. God uses broken people like you and me. A vibe called blessed is happening over your whole life. God is healing you. REMINDER: You are called, chosen, and loved. Satan has tried to destroy you and me, but Almighty God restored me and you. Some love the idea of you, but lack the spiritual maturity to handle you. Pray about it before you make that decision.


For He Created You, He Knows You, and if You Let Him, He Will Complete You


Do Not Be a Player in Another’s Performance, But The Protagonist of Your Own Story