There is Triumph That Can Only Be Found in Truth

I am no longer looking for the signs of the times. Now, I am listening for the sound of the trumpet. Prayers are instantly noticed in heaven. Pray BIG even when you feel small. Holy days are present. He called us to be Born Again in the Holy Spirit. John 3:7. You have got to be ready to break generational curses without the support of the people who have passed it on. Where God guides, He provides. Declare: I release all disease from my body and I welcome health, love, and happiness into my life. I renounce anger and put on joy over all my situations. In Jesus Name. Never question who God has removed from your life. Deep conversations and genuine prayers move the hand of God. If you lie about a problem to keep the peace chances are things won’t get better. Walk in truth! Just imagine what a generation of unbroken people could do. Whatever you are not changing you are choosing.


Be Grounded in Silence


In Faith, You Are Your Strongest