There is Innovation in Patience

God is working on that situation you are wondering about. Do not let your emotions overpower your spiritual maturity. God is very aware of your silent battles and silent Prayers. It will take 40 days to break a habit. Develop the skill of doing what you don’t feel motivated to do. Habit and routine are more effective. Stop stressing about the next move! God is going to give you the answer, trust Him over it all right now. Breathe. Pray that we all get through the battles we all don’t talk about. DISCOVER the ROYAL in you, the Holy Spirit. Lord, I just can’t thank you enough for what you are going to do. There will be turnarounds, breakthroughs, and healings. In Jesus name. These comebacks are going to be epic. And I am not budging my feet, I am standing on the promises of God. God always shows up at the perfect time. Ecclesiastics 3. You are living in blessings that used to be prayer requests. If He did it before, He will do it again.


The Beginning Doesn’t Determine the End.


Recommit Yourself to His Wisdom