The Battle For Your Faith Demands Perseverance, Knowing That Trials Refine And Strengthen Your Trust In God. His Grace Sustains Us Through Every Challenge.

By next year, you will LOOK BACK and wonder why you were worried. Do not waste time. HAVE FAITH in Jesus and His Word.

EVERYTHING is going to workout better than you can think or imagine. Do not be afraid; it is all rigged in your FAVOR. Trust the PROCESS.

Do not listen to all of your concerns. RESPECTFULLY dismiss all of them.

In everything you do, may Jesus be the ONE who is glorified. God is only preparing you for more.

“Because of your faith it will happen.” - Matthew 9:29.

God will announce, in front of everyone who has mocked you, your VICTORY.

The number ONE skill in life Is Not Giving Up! When God’s Warriors get down on their knees, the battle is over…Trust Jesus through it all.

Do not allow anyone to try to put out the fire that God has ignited DEEP In Your Soul!


Standing Firm In Faith Involves Resisting The Lies Of The Enemy With The Truth Of Scripture. God's Word Equips Us With Spiritual Armor: His Truth Our Protection.


Battling For Your Soul Means Clinging To God's Promises Amid Life's Storms, Trusting His Plan For Your Salvation. His Faithfulness Anchors Us In Turbulent Times.