What You Ultimately Seek, You are on the Path Towards. All is a Matter of Timing and Distance You Must Travel to Reach it. Faith Keeps Your Direction True. Please Do Not Falter.

The King of Kings knows you name. And He loves you.

“Nothing can stop God’s plan in your LIFE.” - Isaiah 14:27.

Rest in this: God has it all worked out.

Declare: “I was created on purpose for His Purpose.”

Get in God’s Word until God’s Word gets in YOU. FAITHFULNESS can move those mountains. Jesus CAN heal what you are hiding. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and soul.

“He can restore you to health and heal your wounds [declares the Lord].” Jeremiah 30:17.

Believe God is good even when life is not. Jesus HEALS. God put those dreams in your heart for a reason. Jesus cares about your mental wellness.

“God heard you.” - 1 John 5:14.

“He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds.” - Psalm 147:3.

Let God continue to write your story for His Glory.


Focus on the Teachings of God - Not on Circumstances in Life. Remember You are not Ever Done Learning, and More often than Not, The Goings on in Your Life are God’s Plans for Educating Your Soul.


The Faithful Will Know That Everything You Need Will be Given by Him, You Never Need Ask. Trust That What is Necessary Will be Provided, and What is Abundance is Another’s Prayer Being Answered.