Prayer is the Sacred Dialogue That Brings Heaven to Earth. It is the Divine Exchange That Fills Our Hearts With Peace and our Lives with Purpose Empowering Us to Live Boldly and Love Deeply.

When God’s hand is on you, nothing can stop His purpose.

Being a Christian just makes you a better you, not better than anyone else. Read That Again. Allow it to sink in.

Declare: “I pray that every evil spoken word against me and my household be destroyed in the name of Jesus.”

You just can’t fool God.

The thing I love about prayer is that it can go where people can’t.

God doesn’t do a background check to decide how He can use you.

Let God handle the unlovely. You just keep praying for them. Never dignify a rude comment with a rude reply. Always keep your cool when dealing with the foolishness.

Guard your heart; out of the heart the mouth speaks.

Allow your hard season to grow you.

Do not argue about spiritual things with others who don’t believe in them.

Remember the kind of darkness God saved you from? That is why WE GLORIFY Him.


Trusting In God’s Plan Means Embracing Each Moment With Gratitude, Not Complaint. Each Challenge is a Stepping Stone to Greater Blessings. With Faith, We Find Strength and Purpose in His Divine Design


In the Stillness of Prayer, We Hear the Whisper of God’s Love. It is the Sacred Exchange That Renews Our Spirit and Strengthens Our Resolve. Prayer is the Key to Unlocking the Fullness of Life.