Letting Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Not Succumbing to Deception's Call. Shining Brightly in a World That Needs Light.
Complaining everyday is PRAYING TO THE DEVIL. WALK in YOUR WORTH. You are covered in the Blood of Jesus.
You just cannot pray for God to heal you and stay loyal to what is trying to defeat you. Keep on God’s Armor.
If God doesn’t have your attention, He will disturb what does.
Bitterness is NOT a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Note: You do not need bible college to understand God’s word; you need the Holy Spirit.
Your own mouth can block your blessings. Pray about knowing when silence should be golden.
Always remember this: Your flesh does not care where you will spend ETERNITY, because it’s not going with you. Feed your Spirit!
AVOID ANYTHING that will hinder your Spiritual MATURITY Growth.
God’s grace is BIGGER THAN any of your mistakes.
“The Lord loves us very much. So we haven’t been completely destroyed. His loving concern never fails. His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are!” - Lamentations 3:22-23.
“Let all YOU DO be done in LOVE.” - 1 Corinthians 16:14.
Can’t throw stones, while washing feet.