In Our ‘No,’ We Echo Jesus’ Own Resistance in the Wilderness, Affirming Our Faith in God Alone.

There is no change where there is no action.

Do not treat people the way they treat you. Treat them as God treats you.

Words Have Power. What you give power to has power over you. SAYING ‘NO’ means you know your limits.

Satan’s greatest weapon is man’s ignorance of God’s Word.

Remember this: It is easy to say NO when your priorities are in order. You have the power to change everything. You are what comes out of your mouth. You were born as an original.

Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.

SPEAK LIFE by using the POWER of your words to heal rather than to hurt.

Do not let the world take God out of your life through exhaustion. Say no to everything that is not on your growth list so you can say yes to the things that will bless you.

‘NO’ is a full sentence.

“Whatever the weapon I am already protected.” - Isaiah 54:17.


Saying ‘No’ Nurtures Our Spiritual Growth, Pruning Away What Hinders Our Relationship with God.


By Saying ‘No,’ We Guard our Hearts and Affirm our Allegiance to God’s Eternal Wisdom.