Nourish Yourself in Gratitude

Notice three reasons why you are thankful today? Your thinking can ruin or run your life. Stay in peace. Life Tip: Do You! Being kind to yourself is the best medicine you will ever take. Do not be so creative that you create new problems for yourself. Gratitude is a vitamin to your own soul. I worry when I try to do everything myself. Work on you for you. Excerpt from: Your Words Are Powerful. Be Careful What You Speak. Encouragement for 365 Days.

The enemy can attack in many ways! One sure way to keep him out is to be faithful in giving to the Lord. To live in the BLESSINGS of the Lord, we need to be mindful about giving to the Lord. Malachi 3:8-10. I want to pave away for the blessed life that God has ordained for me before the foundation of the Earth. The Lord of hosts will open the windows of heaven over your life and mine. Pray about what to give to the Lord. What we do for Christ matters, they are treasures stored up in Heaven with our name on it. We can get tangled up in this scripture, because the enemy does not want us to help out the Kingdom of God. We can’t have a poverty mindset. Ask the Holy Spirit how to do your part for His Kingdom. Have Him place it on your heart. God gives you things to see what you will do with them. God will pour down over you a great blessing that there will be no more room to receive it. Malachi 3:10. Speak God’s Word over your life! There is power in His Word. All of it.

Put on faith and love and walk into this day with enthusiasm and encouragement for one another. For this is the DAY the Lord has made let’s REJOICE and be GLAD, all day long. I Am ROOTING for you.


Choose Grace. You Are Now, and Will Always Be Enough


Hope Will Overcome Doubt