True Freedom Isn’t Found in Self-Reliance; It’s Surrendering to Christ, Who Transforms Brokenness Into Beauty.

Waiting for someone to make you happy is the best way to live sad.

Real freedom is saying no without giving a reason.

I am free because I know I am morally responsible for everything I decide to do. Live in freedom.

Through your spiritual discipline comes freedom.

God is preparing you for something BIG. Are you ready?

There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally. That kind of freedom is oxygen to your spirit, man.

Make the rest of your life the BEST Of Your Life.

In God We Trust.

If it is out of your hands, it also deserves freedom from your mind.

The best road for your progress is freedom’s road.

Rise each morning like a warrior in the Lord and begin the day with a heart full of courage.


In the Garden’s Shadow, the First Battle was Waged. Now, the Echoes of that Ancient Conflict Resound in the Hearts of the Faithful. The Serpent’s Hiss is Met with the Angel’s Song.


In Christ, Freedom Isn’t a License for Selfishness; It’s a Call to Serve, Love, and Bear Witness to Grace.