The Greatest Courage Is Seen In Selfless Acts Of Love, Mirroring Jesus' Sacrifice On The Cross. This Love Empowers Us To Put Others Before Ourselves.
Bring your own mind back to how blessed you already are. There’s always something to be grateful for.
For your peace of mind, do not try to understand everything.
What God is PREPARING you for this year has to do with the wait.
Do not hold any kind of grudge at all. However, remember the facts and remain humble and move along.
Declare: “I have the favor of God on my life. No one or no thing can stop the plan of God over me. LORD MAKE ME BETTER: My attitude, my approach, my mind, and my reactions. For I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, and I am depending on you to give me the courage I need to change the things I see that do not help me. I am choosing myself this season for renewal.”
“Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that LOVE Him.” - 1 Corinthians 2:9.