In the Shadow of Regret, We Find the Dawn of Redemption, Where Each Misstep is Met with the Boundless Mercy of God, Transforming Sorrow Into a Stepping Stone for Growth.


JUST LESSONS: Regrets! It makes you pray life had a rewind button.

The beauty of life, while we can strive to undo what is done, we just cannot. We can see it, understand it, learn from it, and change so every moment we spend is not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in God’s wisdom, His understanding, and His agape love.

NO REGRETS in life. Just powerful lessons learned.

Regret can haunt you more than failure. But only if YOU allow it.

There is always that ONE stupid MISTAKE that changes everything for the good if we trust God.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28

Look forward with hope, not backwards with your regret.

It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back with regret.

Do not regret being nice to bad people. Everyone offers what is in their hearts.


Regret May Fill the Chalice of our Hearts, Yet it is Through This Chalice That We Drink Deeply of God’s Transformative Love, Finding the Courage to Change.


Each Sunrise Heralds a New Chapter in our Divine Destiny, a Fresh Canvas Painted with Time’s Brush, Where We Co-Create with God the Story He Has Written for Us.