In the Writing of Your Story, Consider the Punctuation. A Period Denotes a Stop, The End. A Comma is a Pause, a Chance to Gather Thoughts and Then Power Through. Both are Crucial to the Narrative.

Self-esteem is how you feel on the inside and it will reflect in your eyes.

It’s spiritual not physical. It’s soul work. Your mind, your will, and your emotions.

Declare: “I do not do drama. I do deposits of powerful things over my life.”

Those blessings will hit differently when you know what you have gone through to gain your self- esteem back.

You are not a reflection of the people who could not love you.

Be strong but never rude.

Be kind not weak.

Stay humble not timid.

Be proud but not prideful.

Be a leader in kindness wherever you go, no matter what slaps the wind out of you.

The only validation you need is from yourself. Your relationship with yourself will set the tone for every other RELATIONSHIP you will ever have.

Beautiful kindness starts in your head, not in your mirror.

You can control your own peace and that peace is another superpower in life.

There is something about a person with a LOUD MIND that sits in silence, smiling knowingly that they can crush that toxic person with the truth.

That’s self-esteem, self-respect, and self-confidence. Today , I choose to feel good about myself.

Practice the pause. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly that you will regret later. Self-esteem in motion.


There is a Moment Between a Catalyst and Response, a Decision Process that Determines if You Progress Forward or Incite Riot. This is Emotional Intelligence. Find Success by Boosting this Quotient.


Live Life Without Regret, For Wisdom and Experience Are Most Often Gleaned From Actions Taken in Bad Judgment. Use This Experience to Revise the Future.