Explore the Boundless Riches That Come From a Deep Connection with God. Learn how spiritual wealth transforms lives and brings eternal joy. Experience the blessings of a heart filled with faith.
God chose YOU for a special purpose.
Don’t be a fan of a celebrity who doesn’t know you, and will never help you. Be a follower of Jesus Christ who died for you and will be there for you no matter what.
WORSHIP is a lifestyle. It creates SPIRITUAL WEALTH.
Block you? For what? He prepares a table in front of me IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES.
God is real because I know for a fact that I am not operating off my own strength, and neither are you. God has more in store for you than you can even imagine.
Someone needs to hear this: You can’t save someone who’s not willing to participate in their own rescue. The MOST IMPORTANT thing we have to do in this world is to PREPARE OURSELVES FOR ETERNITY.
You have survived betrayal, character assassination attempts, snakes in the grass, toxic family and friends. God’s Got A Plan.
Trust the Lord!!!