The Holy Spirit Seals the Believer, a Divine Mark of Eternal Promise. He is the Guarantee of our Inheritance, the Pledge of our Redemption. In Him, We are Secured, Now and Forevermore.

The Holy Spirit will expose False Beliefs and Practices.


Read your Bible.

Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for what you need daily: Joy, Peace, Patience, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Love, Kindness, Faith, Humility, Meekness, Long-suffering, Compassion. You just cannot leave your home without Him.

Declare: “Holy Spirit Rest On Me. Holy Spirit you are welcome.”

“You shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come UPON YOU.” - Acts 1:8

The POWER of the Holy Spirit is within YOU. A praying person is a POWERFUL person.

Declare: “I bow before the Father who made me. I bow before the Son who saved me. I bow before the Holy Spirit who guides me. The TRINITY. Take the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of Gospel!”


The Holy Spirit is the Counselor, Ever-Present in Times of Need. He Offers Comfort to the Grieving, Wisdom to the Seekers, and Strength to the Weak. His Counsel Leads us Through Life’s Trials.


In Stillness, the Holy Spirit Whispers, a Gentle Voice of Wisdom. He Guides the Lost, Comforts the Weary, and Speaks Truth to the Searching Soul. His Voice is the Wind that Changes the Course of Lives