For Every Minute Consumed by Anger, There Were 60 Seconds of Joy Lost. Remember that Everyday You Must Actively Choose Joy. Rise Above That Which Leashes You from Jubilation.

Work together to solve problems. It’s amazing how strong it is to help others push through the challenges.

We do not have to face darkness by ourselves. We must face the storms with great strength from the POWERFUL Holy Spirit. We have a mission to complete.

Find your strength in the POWER of Prayer. We need to step into our purpose with great JOY.

We must be aware of our path when others have come against by sticking to our God-Given Plans and goals.

Do not let disrespect make you angry or insecure. Do not let this ruin your day or life.

“Allow your God-Given Principles to help you RISE ABOVE the mess with joy, calmness, and great respect.” - Ephesians 6:10.

Don’t take disrespect personally. Jesus is the joy of your strength. Your values are in your self-love!

Laugh off the opinions of others, and consider the source without judgement.


Let Go of Things Not Meant for You. Do Not Internalize The Opinions and Insecurities of Others. You’ll Never Need to Rely on Someone Else to Inspire Joy When You Find it Within Yourself.


The Life You Live is not a Product of Circumstance, or the Result of Decisions Made by Someone Else. The Outside World Reflects Your Inner Self. You Choose Your Joys and Woes Long Before You Live Them