The Crusade is Invisible, Yet its Impact is Palpable. Swords of the Spirit Cut Through the Lies, While Belts of Truth Hold Fast. The Battleground is Within, and the Prize is the Soul.

The Holy Spirit will warn you; it’s up to you to pay attention.

The POWER of a spirit filled mindset is EVERYTHING. You were built from every mistake you have ever made.

Declare: “Lord make me better, my attitude, my approach, my mind, my reactions. In Jesus’ name.”

If you ever think of putting anyone down, put them down on your prayer list.

The Bible was NEVER meant to be debated, but BELIEVED. I am not SELF-MADE, I am God Made.

I love God, but some of his children…?

You don’t have to be perfect to be used by God! In you, because of the Holy Spirit, you have enough power to permanently SHUT the mouth of demons. The real battle is not between people. It is a SPIRITUAL battle between flesh and spirit.

“God frustrates the plans of schemers so the work of their hands will not succeed.” - Job 5:12.

In the most difficult times of your life, God is with you. God will announce you in front of the same people who have mocked you.

When Jesus hung out with sinners, THEY changed. He didn’t!


A Silent Siege Surrounds Us, a Battle for Eternity. The Enemy is Cunning, but the Defender is Almighty. In the Fortress of Faith, There is No Surrender.


At the Gates of the Soul, the Warriors Stand Guard. Temptation and Truth Collide, a Spiritual Warfare for the Heart’s Allegiance. The Gate Will Hold, for it is Kept by the King.