Draw Out the Power of Self, Not By Trying to Alter What You Are Not, But By Espousing Who You Already Are And Investing In Who You Can Be.


How To Boost Your Self-Esteem:

Be kind to yourself with your thoughts and your words.

Celebrate your small victories.

Accept compliments with grace.

Believe you can and you will.

Forgive yourself daily.

Say NO to anything negative.

Practice mindfulness.

List all of your positive qualities that the Lord has given you as a gift.

STOP comparing yourself to others: this is an automatic downfall.

Start every day with seeking God first and make a positive affirmation list and SPEAK it over yourself in the morning and before you turn in at night.

Your VOICE MATTERS in your own life. You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.

Declare: “I Am Enough.”

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the beautiful hands of God.” - Jeremiah 1:9.

Loving yourself is sanity not vanity. I Am Special. I Am Important. I Am Valuable. I Am Loved by God.


Make a Mindful Decision Each Day to Glorify Yourself. Cherish and Esteem Yourself So You Might Understand Your Own Value, and Realize When Others Do Not.


Obscured in Confusion are Solutions. Kindness and Insight Lead to Clarity, and in This You’ll Find the Armistice of Devotion and Decision.