While We May Only See What is Right Before Us, God is an Architect Orchestrating the Bigger Picture. Do Your Best to Live by His Design, and Be Open When He Sends Forces To Correct Your Path.

That anointing in you is driving the Devil nuts. Keep applying pressure with declarations from the Word of God.

Do not have anyone around you that is not happy with their own life.

This is your moment, God has equipped you, empowered you, and anointed you.

“No weapon formed against you can prosper.” - Isaiah 54:17.

Pray for others to speak to your spirit, not someone to please your flesh.

When God designed the plans for your future, He didn’t look to see if you were perfect. Your bad decisions were not a surprise to Him.

Sometimes the company you keep are the reasons your blessings are blocked.

Just listen.

Appreciate the ones who have lifted you up. Appreciate those who brighten your days.

The purpose of life is to have a personal relationship with your CREATOR. Best decision I ever made.

What others think of me is none of my business.

You are worth so much to God!


Abstinence from Distraction is Not Depriving the Body, but Rather Indulging the Soul.


In Decision-Making, Rather Than What is Right or Wrong, There is What is Easy or Not. The Challenge Leads to a Bountiful Life, While the Sole Reward of the Easy Decision Was That Moment of Respite.