For Who Could be Ready for Heaven if Not Ready to Give Devotional Worship to the Almighty? At His Side, You Have Eternity and Can Surely Make the Time for Reverence.


Worship is not an experience. Never mind about your emotions or your feelings. You and I are called to worship in spite of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

When you worship you may not even feel like it. But it will change your outlook and make you feel better because now your focus is not on your problems but on God and His goodness.

It even took me awhile to understand this.

Just because we don’t feel like it does not change His Presence.

Worship is an act, and it will take discipline. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. MADE TO WORSHIP.

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” - Psalm 95:1.

We worship God because He is good.

Worship is a LIFESTYLE to be LIVED. To worship God is to humble EVERYTHING about ourselves and to EXALT everything about Him.

Your work or my work isn’t about us. It is about worshipping God with the gifts we have been given.

“God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” - John 4:24.


To be Contented and Grateful is the Pinnacle of Worship, for in This You Accept His Miracles as Blessings Bestowed and are Humbled by Your Opportunity Pay Homage.


See Through the Illusion: Spare, Free, and Down Time are Fictitious. All You Have is Life Time. Every Moment is Integral and Should be Respected as Utmost Blessing.