Aspire to Your Bounty: Sow Seed of Dedication and Determination That You Might Harvest

Meditate on this:

When others accuse you for them not succeeding in life, ponder on this: For you are in control of your own thoughts, your own words, and your own choices. You are in total control of yourself. You are responsible for the way you live your life. You have daily choices and have created DAILY HABITS, and your habits will make you or break you. You have the power within you to decide today how you want to live the rest of your life. Choices can be changes, and changes are what we all need to become better. Decide today and change the way you think and speak for the better, then watch the whole trajectory of your life bloom. “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” Years ago I made a poster that said that, and I declared that statement out loud every time I saw it. I pinned it on the inside of my closet door, before I was even married. It grew richer and richer every time I said that out loud. It did amazing things for my new mindset. BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED!


Your Perception of the World is Your Heart’s Intent Cast Back at You


Meet Adversity with Euphoria: Exult in Your Gift to Exalt Others