The Right Word Voiced at the Proper Time Can Lead to an Action That Changes the World: Make Certain it is for the Better

One thing for sure, we ALL have choices in life!

We can complain our way through, or we can stay in peace and faith over our situations. Don’t spend your life waiting for change to live happy. Nurture a happy attitude and heart first thing daily by declaring the Word of God. Life and time will still pass by fast whether you do this or not.

Rebellious people seek evil. “The wise in heart will be called understanding, and sweet speech increases learning.” - Proverbs 16:21.

Declare: “As I think in my heart, so am I.” - Proverbs 23:7. “Do not speak in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the godly wisdom of your words.” - Proverbs 23:9.

Where the mind goes, the feet follow.

Whenever you have the opportunity to speak with others in your life, always remember that RIGHT WORDS have the power at the right time to change another’s life. God can use you to do mighty things.

Examine your thoughts, your words, and your motives.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your heart and thoughts and change anything that is not from the will of God!

The World would be a BETTER PLACE if we speak messages to others from His Word!


Remember Your Battle is Not Against the Flesh and Bone, but Rather the Preternatural Evil. Do Not Quarrel With Your Brethren; Pray for Indominable Will and Community.


You Can Be Reborn in Him Infinitely as Long as You Give Yourself to Him - Rise From Your Cinders Anew and Revitalized.