Prayer Is the Heartbeat of a Vibrant Spiritual Life. It is the Sacred Conversation That Aligns Our Will With God’s Divine Plan. Through Prayer, We Unlock Doors to Boundless Blessings and Eternal Joy.

Calling on the God of Moses: the Rock of Ages. Go after Jesus.

PRAY BIG and worry small.

Get in the habit that if you are going to put ANYONE down, put them down on your prayer list. Because the closer you get to a blessing, the harder the devil tries to attack you.

The Holy Spirit will help you see what your natural eyes can’t.

One thing I know is those prayers work.

God will expose every person in your life who is NOT for you. You won’t have to dig; the proof will fall right into your lap.

The art of spiritual maturity is knowing WHO to ignore, WHAT to overlook, WHERE to leave things, WHEN to move on and WHY it is necessary. The Holy Spirit will warn you when something feels off. The safest place to be is within the will of God.

Be careful not to hurt who God sent to help.


Through Prayer, Enter the Sacred Space Where Miracles are Born. This Intimate Communion with God Breathes Life Into Our Dreams. Prayer is the Foundation Upon Which Our Spiritual Journey is Built.


In Quiet Moments of Prayer, Discover the True Essence of Being. Through This Divine Dialogue, Our Souls are Nourished and Our Faith Fortified. Prayer Transforms Lives, Making the Impossible Possible.