Being Still In God’s Presence Cultivates A Heart Of Patience And Trust. His Timing Is Perfect, And His Plans Unfold With Precision. In Stillness, We Grow In Faith.
The fire is refining you.
The test is maturing you.
The valley is preparing you.
The delay is disciplining you.
The trial is strengthening you.
The cave is making you.
The breaking is producing more oil.
God is looking for crushed people; keep going. STAYING in God’s will is going to require learning how to stay out of your emotional feelings. We must constantly ask God to reveal areas where our actions need to change.
Evil can pretend to be good and kind. But good and kind people cannot pretend to be evil. So when you see evil behavior in someone, believe it. That is who they are.
True Christians are trying to reach lost souls! False Christians roam around trying to find someone to argue and fight with. Influencing others to hate someone is an act of witchcraft. Never compromise with evil.
Silence is a fence around wisdom.
Your greatest fears are created by your imagination. Do not give in to them.
TRUST while you are waiting, He is working!!!