There is an Unequivocal Difference between Being Meek and Gentle. While Meekness is a Characteristic from Within, Gentleness is a Force Exerted and Done for Others…A Force of Strength.


A gentleman will open doors, pull out chairs, and carry things, not because his woman is helpless or unable, but because he wants to show her that she is valuable and worthy of his respect. That’s gentleness.

Rules of a Gentleman: Pray with and for her. Make her laugh. Open the door. Never make her look like a fool for loving you.

A gentleman will open your heart.

I was raised to treat the janitor with the same gentleness as the CEO.

A gentleman will still respect you even if he is upset with you. REMEMBER THAT!

Being polite and gentle are so rare these days that it is often confused with flirting.

REAL Gentleness stays loyal, faithful, and true. It’s all connected to the same fruit.


Often We are Guilty of Thinking too Much and Feeling too Little. It is Easy to Forget Kindness and Gentleness in a World Moving so Fast and Success Based on Innovation. Remember to be Man, Not Machine


Imagine the Demure Posture and Poise of a Dancer. Her Every Movement Deliberate…Controlled. She Seems to Float on Air. And While Her Stature is Unassuming, Don’t Mistake her Gentleness for Weakness.