Stand Firm in Your Convictions; Sometimes, the Most Powerful Testimony is What You Decline.

He who angers you controls you. Self-care is how you take your power back.

Pay close attention to people who don’t clap when you have won.

No one is you and that is your power. You never heal by wounding others. Power doesn’t corrupt people, people corrupt power. Eliminate what has not helped you to grow spiritually.

No bad days only lessons learned. Say no to things that are not helping you grow and do it without feeling guilty. Also, learn to say no without explaining yourself.

Do not allow negative people to affect the positive in you. Getting angry never solves anything. If you do not control what you think, you will not control what you do.

Your power in your words, actions, and influence, should have consistency of all three. A grateful heart is also a magnet for miracles. You can’t allow people to set your agenda.

Learn to say “no” unapologetically.

Above all else, always SEEK God first. It all starts and ends with the truth of the Word of God.


Christian Freedom Is Not Mere Escape; It’s Liberation From Sin’s Chains, Allowing Us to Dance in Grace’s Embrace.


Discernment Leads to Powerful 'Nos’ That Steer Us Towards God’s Best for our Lives. Deny All Things Against His Plan for Your Ideal Future.