Let Them Seek Their Own Destiny, As You Concentrate On Your Own Calling. This Respect For Their Destiny Is A True Testament To Faith And Patience.

The devil is trying to frustrate you because he knows God’s going to help you win this battle.

Do not ignore when your spirit does not sit right with certain people. There is a reason, you ASK the Holy Spirit for clear direction. SPEAK those things that are not as though they were.

“As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.” - Romans 4:17.


Pray even when the waters are calm.

Not Everyone will like you.

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, not sugar. You won’t be able to ever fool God. You may fool others, you may even fool yourself, but you can’t fool God!

Allow God to deal with the person who has been evil to you.

You can’t build with someone who won’t try to help you carry the bricks.

STOP doing it afraid, and do it ANOINTED. Die to self, live for Christ. You are an example of how God changes lives. God gives us PEACE that surpasses all understanding.

God will ALWAYS get THE GLORY.


Allow Others To Grow Through Their Struggles And Triumphs. By Letting Them Find Their Way, You Honor Their Individual Walk With God.


In The Journey Of Life, Trust That God's Plan Unfolds Uniquely For Each Individual. Embrace The Freedom To Let Them Follow Their Path, Knowing Divine Wisdom Guides Their Steps.