Everything You Have Ever Achieved in Life was Through Discipline of Yourself. Let That Sink in. Your Will of Character Offsets the Hardships of Life to Lead to Success. Be Stronger than Temptation.

Attention: Stop worrying about things you have no control over. Do not allow others pressure to pull you away from your God-Given Purpose.

If you get tired don’t quit; just take a rest. Take time to lift up a short prayer for self-control. What stands in the way becomes the way. Don’t let it be your attitude or your deadly emotions.

What you plant, you will pick, and that never loses an address. Planting seeds has no menu. You get served what you planted and what you deserve: good or bad.

The truth standing on God’s word always comes out.

Be still. Those tables are about to turn.

Seed time and harvest has no deadline. One thing is certain. You will have to answer to God.

Do not be a slave to your own deadly emotions. Self-control them.

One thing I have learned is to be careful how you treat others. It will come right back to you when you least expect it.

If you improve by 1% everyday, within a year you will have improved by 365%.

Seeking God is real! Praying daily is the key. Reading the word daily is the cure.

Self-control is your best outfit. Rock it.


The Effort of Controlling Your Own Mindset and Behavior is a Full-Time Commitment. You Don’t Have the Excess Energy or Time to Control Others. Live by Example, not Coercion.


Self-Mastery is a Universal Equalizer. It is a Challenge Every Person Must Face to Control Yearning and Passions. Wealth or Fame Doesn’t Bestow it Upon You. It Becomes the Definition of Our Character.