The Control of Self Lies in the Balance of What is In Your Power to Do, and the Active Decision Whether to Do it or Not. Be the One in Control, Pulling Your Own Strings.


Self-control is inner strength. Calmness that is mastered by spiritual maturity.

It’s the point where your mood will not shift based on the insignificant actions of others.

There is no better feeling than taking back control of your emotions.

Declare: “God is in control.”

NEVER DO something permanently foolish because you are temporarily upset.

Self-control is the best demonstration of HIGH STANDARDS. If you can learn self-control you can master anything. Your first greatest victory is to control thy self.

Control the way you respond. That is where your power is.

People always reveal themselves through their actions.

Silence is luxurious.

Not to self: You cannot control how other people act.


Speak Not to Give Others a Piece of Your Mind, but Because You Want to Contribute Something of Value to the Situation. With Self-Control, You are Able to Consider the Outcome Before Acting in Emotion.


True Gentleness is a Musing of the Commonalities of Mankind, a Mirroring of the Will of the Creator, and an Introspection of our Failings as People and our Needs to Do and Be Better.