In the Midst of Life’s Fiercest Mental Skirmishes, Find Solace in the Unshakeable Fortress of God’s Promises and Peace. Let This Be Your Inner Sanctum…Your Fortress of Peace Amidst Mental Battles.

Cut out the noise and focus on the Lord. You just may have to fight a battle more than one time to win. You will work hard through it and make it In Jesus’ name.

Mind over matter.

Stories are filled with broken promises, terrible choices, and ugly truths. They are also filled with major comebacks, peace in your soul, and a grace from God that saved your life.

The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. Learn to use the power in God’s wisdom.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Stay kind. ALWAYS.

Fight your battles on your knees. Self-control is discipline. Learn to work through the pain of the battle. Perform like you have never lost.

Stop your mind from being a garbage can for toxic people and the devil. The MIND is the BATTLEGROUND. Sweat in times of peace.


Ascend to the Throne of Mental Sovereignty, Where the Whispers of Doubt are Silenced by the Roar of Divine Truth.


Join the Ranks of the Steadfast Believers Who March Forward, Turning the Battleground of Their Minds into Fields of Spiritual Harvest. Let Triumph Those Who are Faithful!