Change Your Focus. Do Not Assail Against the World as it Stands, But Rather Rally Around Those Who Cultivate the World That Could Be: Miracle Workers.

“Our God turns darkness into light.” - Psalm 18:28.

Believe, better things are happening.

Your miracle is a shift in your perception from fear to agape love.

A miracle can happen overnight.

Reminder: Only take a part in positive conversations; your words are powerful.

Create a life that is worth waking up to.

If your plan has not been working, did you know you can change the plan but not your prayer life or goal?

The more you stay in gratitude the greater the good will be in your life.

You were born in one day. You can change in one day. You fell in love in one day. A miracle can happen in one day.

Many people are living but do not touch the miracle of life.

Accept the miracle.

Faith doesn’t make sense. It makes miracles.

It’s all rigged in your favor: trust God.

When spiritual maturity is yours, silence is always better than arrogance or arguing.


Look Around With Renewed Eyes, as Through Vision of Thanksgiving Can You Realize Everything is Somebody’s Miracle.


If Ever You Find Yourself Not Believing in Miracles, Remember That You Began Life as One. And Through His Divine Workings, You Become an Instrument to Perform Ever More.