It Is Unwise to Take Root in Barren Land With No Sustenance. To Be Planted Alongside God’s Stream Allows for Flourishing, and Your Roots Will Flow to Abundance in His Gift.

Stay focused and stable on the Word so we do not fall for deadly situations or emotions.

We are listening wisely to not work out of our emotions with setting boundaries- Let’s interact with the World in a stable way to handle difficult situations.

It’s a beautiful understanding!

I am not overly concerned with others’ opinions that do not align with our goals or values. Instead I use the ability to listen and respond with respect just to gain an understanding. This is called constructive communication.

Instead it’s a way to add to value to others, even if their point of view is different. This is called being planted by the RIVERS of Gods water.

Blessed is the man not walking in ungodly ways or acting scorned or stands in the way of sinners.

Declare Psalm 1:1-3 over your life daily and watch what the Lord will do.

“Delight yourself in the Lord; and meditate day and night on His Word. And you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth His fruit in His season; your leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever you do shall prosper.”

This is for RECHARGING.

We need this daily too.


In All of History, Veracity and Love Inevitably Conquer Despots and Oppressors. Stay on the Side of Truth, In God’s Plan, and Blessings and Security are Undeniable.


It’s Easy to Be Aware of What You Lack. Weakness and Failure Seem to Come Too Easily. The Challenge is Accepting That Your Comprehension and Potential Were by Design; You Are Here for a Reason.