In The Midst Of Chaos, A Moment Of Pause Can Reveal Divine Clarity. Through This, We Learn To React With Grace.

Sometimes the problem is not actually the problem. Your own attitude about the problem is the problem.

Relax your mind.

Remember some people are very arrogant about their ignorance. God speaks to those who take time to listen, and He listens to those who take time to ask in prayer. Arrogance is not one of them.

The attack that was sent to DISTRACT and DISCOURAGE you, activated the PRAYER WARRIOR inside of you.

Do you want a good day? START it by conversing with God before any man.

When you know you haven’t wronged anyone, practice the pause, and remove yourself kindly.

“One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.” - Proverbs 14:16.

Do your good deeds quietly.


By Taking A Moment To Pause, We Invite God Into Our Decisions. This Results In More Mindful And Faithful Responses.


Pausing Allows Us To Reflect On Christ’s Teachings. It Enhances Our Ability To Respond With Compassion And Understanding.