Letting Go of Toxic Relationships is a Refuge, Not a Rejection. In the Shelter of God’s Love, We Find True Companionship. He is the Friend that Sticks Closer Than a Brother.
A STRONG relationship is built only when people learn to let go of doubts about each other. Your relationship should be about helping each other deal with the stress the world brings, NOT ADDING unnecessary, unreasonable havoc to each other’s lives.
Sometimes the best medicine for all pain is to spend time with special people! LOVE didn’t hurt you. Someone that didn’t know how to love hurt you. Do not confuse the two.
Sometimes you forget you’re amazing. Learn to love one another in a million ways. Not to love a million different people to prove a point.
Stop communicating with the wrong people. It ruined your previous relationship and it will ruin your future relationships.
Love is what you do, not what you say.